Enchanted Earth Minerals

Moonstone Tumbled Chips! 1.5oz bag!


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Moonstone Tumbled Chips! Price for one 1.5oz bag!
Example of 1 bag shown in hand and in bag photos. loose photo next to ruler is from the lot the chips are pulled from, you will not receive that much hehe.
Excellent for grids, pockets, crafts, jewelry, companions for your plant pals, whatever your heart desires! 🥰
Please note that this type of moonstone often does not have flash.

Moonstone! Oh lovely moonstone..yes this lovely stone is connected to the energies of the moon... highly intuitive, introspective, reflective, connection to the divine feminine, new beginnings (and ends!), cycles in life, and oh such a beautiful magnificent wonder. Wish upon a moon! As moonstone is one of hope and wishes, helping one to attract what is needed. It may also help see and continue the path of our destiny (as well as the next steps) and bring in evolved energy from the cosmos and other worlds which may help us on our adventure. It may also help us to create change in the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental planes, as well as be a friend to help support us along the way as we change. As a calming crystal and one that brings in awareness, it’s especially handy to have during times of change. It’s also very helpful in the female reproductive cycles, sensuality, for PMS, fertility, stages of conception, cycles of pregnancy and birth.

It is a crystal of feeling and emotion, and can help one to help balance the emotional waves we ride, lighten up the tension, and be kind to ourselves. It’s ties to emotion can help us with expressing ourselves and enhancing the flow of creativity, I see this helpful in allowing us to release or channel our emotions into creative work.

Moonstone can help one attune to the natural rhythms of the body as well as understand the energetic cycles our bodies. This may help us to work with moonstone to bring balance and peace to the body energetically. 

For chakra work it is great for cleansing negativity,  bringing in spiritual nourishment and loving kindess to ourselves. It also helps to bring out the feminine natures in oneself.

A very intuitive stone that may help one open further to psychic gifts as well as apply them in a practical way. May aid one to be perceptive and discerning, helping one to make decisions easier to move forward. Helping us to be composed and confident to handle any situation calmly and with diplomacy.

Said to help keep those safe who are traveling.

Black Moonstone has some extra grounding and protective energy to it.

Moonstone Tumbled Chips! 1.5oz bag!
